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Paraphrasing Tool

Customize Your Paraphrased Text to Be Longer or Shorter

SpinBot is an advanced, AI-powered paraphrasing tool that helps writers create unique and human-readable content. It uses powerful machine learning and artificial intelligence to ensure that your writing is influential and relevant to your topic.

It is an entirely free online tool with no premium. Students, writers, tutors, and content creators enjoy using this rephrasing tool because of how quickly it provides results.

What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

It is a sentence rewriter that can rephrase any kind of content, like sentences, articles, and essays. It rewrites or rephrases sentences while keeping their original tone without plagiarism. You can use it to revise a text either line by line or word by word.

How Does SpinBot’s Paraphrasing Tool Work?

  • High-quality natural language processing (NLP) simplifies sentences for readers
  • Instantly rewrites up to 10,000 characters or 1,000 words at a time
  • Relies on proven AI software to remove all plagiarism from the text.
  • Lets you retain the original meaning of the text while wording it differently and more efficiently.

Every statement is rewritten using readable language. The information that follows will show you how to use our free paraphrasing tool to compose unique, easy-to-read articles.

What Can You Do with SpinBot’s Paraphrasing Tool?

  • Do more for less

    Do more for less

    By automating the process of paraphrasing text, you free up time and resources for other tasks. Plus, since you get more done at no cost, our paraphrase tool saves you money, improving overall productivity.

  • Do more for less

    Achieve your goals

    Using newly paraphrased text from SpinBot, you can create unique and appealing content that meets your goals: boost SEO performance, generate new ideas from existing text, inform your audience with greater clarity, or share others’ ideas in your own words.

  • Do more for less


    Add AI power to your brainpower! SpinBot draws on a vast array of synonyms and sentence structures to produce a well-crafted, grammatically flawless, and compelling written text.

  • Do more for less

    Avoid plagiarism

    SpinBot generates plagiarism-free content using advanced algorithms. It guarantees original written work while preserving the input text’s tone and style, maintaining high standards of quality and integrity.

How Do You Use SpinBot’s Paraphrasing Tool?

It couldn’t be easier! Click the button and follow the steps below to get started.

  • You will see an input box with the prompt "Your text to rewrite…
  • Enter the text you want to rewrite in the space provided.
  • Select "Ignore Words" to ignore any text in the content you do not want to rewrite.
  • Press the "Basic Paraphrase" button.
  • To the right of the text box is an output box titled "Your rewritten text..." You can view the revised text here.

You can type or paste your text directly into the text box and edit it with a single click. A built-in sentence changer and sentence spinning feature allow for more flexibility and variety.

Do more for less

Main Features of the SpinBot Paraphrasing Tool

  • Ease of use with no advanced knowledge. To paraphrase a text, copy and paste it into the SpinBot paraphrase and click “Basic Paraphrase” or “Advanced Paraphrase.” Finished!
  • No need to register an account.
  • A user-friendly interface with no extraneous or complex designs.
  • No need to install software.
  • An ultra-high 10,000-character restriction.
✅ EnhancesLength, vocabulary, and readability
💫 Quickly paraphraseArticles, paragraphs, and blogs
🖋 ModesShortest, default, and longest
💪🏼 Ideal forScholars, digital marketers, and content writers

Three Modes of the SpinBot Paraphrasing Tool

This tool gives you three ways to rewrite your text.

Standard Mode

Our default rephrasing mode replaces only a few words in your text with terms that are closest in meaning.

Random Mode

SpinBot makes your content more fluent in this mode and corrects any grammatical mistakes.

Longest Mode

This program changes your input text the most, rewriting it to use the most creative vocabulary.

Differences between a Paraphrasing Tool and a Paraphrasing Bot

  1. A paraphrasing tool and a paraphrasing bot are distinct types of strategies used for rewording or rewriting content. First, SpinBot is software that automatically rephrases text to generate new content, while a paraphrasing bot uses a conversational AI model to rewrite text.

  2. There is also a distinction in their practical applications. Individuals and organizations use SpinBot to avoid plagiarism, rewrite articles, or create unique content, but use paraphrasing bots to understand or summarize complex text.

  3. Finally, SpinBot lets the user control the rephrasing process and review/edit the output, while a paraphrasing bot provides quick automated responses but offers lower text quality.

Who Uses the SpinBot Paraphrasing Tool?


Students, instructors, and researchers

SpinBot offers students, educators, and other academics a powerful way to transform a text into fresh, original content. Particularly for multilingual academics, these tools can prove immensely beneficial. An online paraphrase tool improves readability and writing style and assists in generating new ideas and perspectives on a topic.

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With strict ethical standards in place, journalists need to produce original content. This tool rewrites text in a new and unique way, summarizes information quickly, improves the writing style, and makes the content engaging, concise, and clear.

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Book authors and scriptwriters

Book authors and screenwriters use SpinBot to create original and professional works by avoiding repetitive phrasing. They can experiment quickly with vocabulary and sentence structure while keeping their style, tone, and voice consistent for a polished and interesting final version.

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Content Writers & Copy Writers

Content writers, copywriters, and bloggers can streamline their workflows to create original, repurposed, or variant versions of their content. Getting a free paraphrase online anytime means having more time for critical thinking and research. SpinBot’s paraphrased content is original and plagiarism-free, which helps them maintain their credibility and reputation.

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Music Writers

Music writers use it to enhance their compositions, spark creativity and inspiration, avoid plagiarism, and maintain a consistent style. The SpinBot paraphrase tool suggests variety in word choices that is essential for well-crafted, catchy, and impactful song lyrics.

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When Should I NOT Use a Paraphrasing Tool?

Used correctly, SpinBot is an excellent way to use the same text with a different vocabulary and/or structure. But it may not be your best option if you don’t understand the original text well or you have to rely too heavily on it to come up with ideas.

Use SpinBot to develop top-notch content in seconds!

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